Action Plan for Stroke in Europe 2018-2030
The 7 Domain groups are now confirmed and 77 persons have been invited to update the 2006 Helsingborg Declaration. Each Domain Group works on its allocated topic and we expect to have a first draft ready in December 2017. The Draft manuscript will then be available for public comments late February 2018, just before the meeting takes place in Munich, 21-23 March 2018.
The updated Helsingborg Declaration 2018 will slightly change in its format and layout, especially because there are two new domains (primary prevention and life after stroke) and also the documents will further detail how the more over-arching targets set in other governmental documents can be met.
The aim of the document will cover the big picture on available evidence, current status on services, clinical practice and disparities, rather than granular details. The Action Plan should be regarded as a starting point that should be followed by separate more detailed documents on implementation and health economics. As the situation of service provision is currently likely very unequal in the European countries, country specific implementation actions need to be prepared afterwards.
We look forward to the outcome and the challenges to come!