ESO Advocacy
Through adequate advocacy programmes the ESO and its stakeholders aim to influence public-policy and resource allocation decisions within political, economic, social, and health systems and institutions. Advocacy can include many activities that our organisation undertakes including media campaigns, public speaking to build awareness, commissioning and publishing research for an improved health care for stroke patients. Our straightforward and very transparent lobbying efforts are a form of advocacy where a direct approach is made to legislators on an issue which plays a significant role in modern healthcare systems and standardising medical trainings and education. Health advocacy also encompasses direct service to the individual or family as well as activities that promote health and access to health care in communities and the larger public.
ESO advocates support and promote the rights of the patient in the health care arena, help build capacity to improve public health and enhance health policy initiatives focused on available, safe and quality care for stroke patients. ESO advocates are suited best to address challenge of patient-oriented care in our complex healthcare system. Patient-centered care is also one of our overreaching goals of health advocacy, in addition to safer medical systems, and greater patient involvement in healthcare delivery and design. Doctors, patient representatives, ombudsmen, educators, care managers, patient navigators and health advisers are health advocates who work in direct patient care environments, including hospitals, community health centres, long term care facilities or patient services programmes of non-profit organisations.
They collaborate with other health care providers to mediate conflict and facilitate positive change, and as educators and health information specialists, advocates work to empower others. ESO aims to build public awareness, to improve systems and services, to obtain funding and support, and to eventually build a coalition for stroke patients in Europe. The ESO continually strives to represent an allied voice for Europe. To reduce the burden of stroke, we must bring attention to preventative measures as well as treatment and rehabilitation. The ESO works closely with the World Stroke Organisation (WSO), World Health Organisation (WHO), Stroke Alliance for Europe (SAFE) and other global NGOs to represent the voice of stroke in Europe.