ESO supports activities/programmes that benefit the stroke community and complement ESO’s mission to reduce the burden of stroke.
The ESO will in general not endorse meetings that promote single commercial products or services, distribute advertising or promotional material or provide information that is inconsistent with current scientific knowledge. Meetings supported by commercial funding will only be considered if the funding is given as an unrestricted educational grant.
Please note that all applications for endorsement have to be in English.
In order to obtain ESO endorsement, please submit a formal request to ESO for one of the following activities:
Meetings and conferences by other organisations
Academic, multi-national studies co-ordinated by members of the ESO
Postgraduate Programmes
Criteria for Postgraduate Programme Endorsement Application
- The hosting institution of the course is based in Europe.
- The course programme is submitted.
- Please explain the course content with regards to the educational benefit for a European (international) audience.
- Who has the lead of the programme, e.g. experts in stroke care and research including at least one ESO Fellow.
- A written statement that there is no relevant commercial or other conflict of interest is submitted.