To qualify as an FESO, members must demonstrate scientific quality and a willingness to actively volunteer in ESO. There are no age requirements, but FESO must meet minimum standards. FESO receive additional benefits, including participation in the Council of Fellows. Visit our website for more information on how to distinguish yourself as a FESO.

We hope you enjoy getting to know the Fellows who participate in the 2020 interview series and thank them in advance for taking the time to share with our readers.

For the February issue of the ESO member newsletter, we bring you 2 interviews to begin the 2020 FESO series. The first one features Joan Martí-Fàbregas, Hospital de la Santa Creu I Sant Pau, Barcelona, Spain. Joan Martí-Fàbregas is an active member of the Guideline Publication Subcommittee.

What are your main fields of interest in stroke medicine and research?

​I am focused on clinical investigation about intracerebral hemorrhage and on reperfusion therapies in acute ischemic stroke (intravenous thrombolysis and mechanical thrombectomy)

What is the role of ESO in facilitating and promoting the projects you are coordinating or where you are involved?

As stated in the website, ESO is the voice of stroke in Europe.  ESO is a young society that has achieved in a few years a spectacular implantation. Nowadays, any professional who wants to be up to date about stroke and interact with other European professionals has to be a member of ESO. Being a member of ESO is an honor and an opportunity for professional growth and improvement in your research goals. Collaboration in the writing of guidelines is important and so is trying to increase the dissemination of the guidelines.

What do you expect from ESO in the future to support research?

ESO brings the opportunity to multi-center and multi-national collaboration. This collaboration should be enabled by removing administrative obstacles as far as possible, creating research networks and facilitating access to funding.

What do you think a mentor should do to support the projects and the career of a mentee and, conversely, what should a mentee expect from a mentor?

The main function of the mentor is to help the mentee think. Whoever is now acting as a mentor also had a mentor; it is a chain of knowledge transmission that allows us to face the challenges of knowledge. A good friend passed on to me his 4 rules for success in professional life that I usually recommend: focus, discipline, self-esteem and passion.

A mentee should expect to find an enthusiastic mentor, who enjoys his work, who knows how to listen and treat the mentee with respect and guide him o her. Contact with the mentor must be a continued effort, lasting over time. Priorities and objectives must be identified. The mentee must also know that the mentor does not know everything, even the most experienced person in one subject is a novice in another.

What are your main fields of interest in stroke medicine and research?

​I am focused on clinical investigation about intracerebral hemorrhage and on reperfusion therapies in acute ischemic stroke (intravenous thrombolysis and mechanical thrombectomy)

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