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ESO Conference

We encourage members of the media to register (no cost) and attend the conference. To receive more information about dissemination of information to the media, please contact

Media Partnerships

Oruen is one of the leading open access CNS channels committed to improving communication and education with the goal of optimising patient care and outcomes. By using the latest technologies Oruen works closely with leading figures in CNS to inform and educate the global community.

Oruen – The CNS Journal is an open access, peer-reviewed, CME accredited journal that is published bi-annually. Oruen publishes original research manuscripts, review articles and other works dealing with neurological disorder management, diagnosis, staging, nursing and research.

touchNEUROLOGY and are proud to be at the forefront of on-demand and virtual formats, pushing the boundaries for online medical education. From both platforms we bring CME-accredited and independent learning activities as well as highlights and coverage from leading international congresses.

Both the European Journal of Arrhythmia & Electrophysiology (EJAE) and touchREVIEWS in Neurology provide peer-reviewed, free-to-access, bi-annual journals that aim to provide insightful and topical articles relevant to the day-to-day practice of busy physicians.

The journals provide practical advice relevant to the clinical setting on diagnosis and treatment within cardiology/neurology respectively and we endeavour to support these professionals in continuously developing their knowledge, effectiveness and productivity.

View the latest content on Stroke on touchCARDIO and on touchNEUROLOGY.

The British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing is the leading journal in the UK dedicated specifically to neuroscience nursing. The journal publishes articles on all aspects of clinical practice in neuroscience nursing, including neurosurgery, critical care and long-term neurological conditions. It addresses both paediatric and adult care, and endorses inter-professional working with members of the multidisciplinary team.
Furthermore, through the BJNN we also publish a dedicated stroke care supplement twice per year, every April and October. This serves to provide clinical, peer-reviewed articles about best practice in care and about the prevention and management strategies for stroke care. In addition to the BJNN’s usual distribution to all of our subscribers, this special stroke edition is also distributed in print to the members of UK Stroke Association, and also digitally to the members of the European Stroke Organisation.

VJNeurology is an independent, open-access video journal that provides HCPs with the latest news from global congresses through innovative digital media.

Explore hundreds of exclusive interviews with global experts and discussions from major international meetings covering the latest updates in various disease areas, including Parkinson’s disease, dementia, stroke, MS, epilepsy & more.