ESOC 2018: Summer School Reunion
Dr Jatinder Minhas (United Kingdom) attended the European Stroke Summer School 2017 (ESOSS) in Larissa, Greece. We caught up with him at ESOC 2018, nearly a year later and he shared with us how SSS 2017 is still part of his life.
I strongly recommend anyone considering applying for the ESO Summer School 2018 to set aside any reluctance and go for it. The opportunity to meet like minded trainee stroke physicians, share experiences and cover all aspects of stroke care through lectures from world-leading clinicians and researchers is one particular reason. The second and perhaps the most important for one’s future career, is the opportunity to make as George Ntaois (lead organiser for ESOSS 2017) would say, “far friends”, with whom you can connect, reflect, support and relax with at ESO events for years to come. At ESOC 2018, I took the opportunity catch up with “far friends” from France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands, Argentina, Iran and of course Sweden. Between us we had a number of oral, e-poster and poster presentations and discussed some ideas which will hopefully lead to future collaborative research.
Have you attended an ESO Stroke Summer School and still keep in contact with peers or mentors? Have you gone on to publish together? ESO would love to hear and share your stories. Send use an email if you have a Summer School reunion story to share.
Join us for ESO`s 22nd Stroke Summer School at Charitè Berlin 10-14 September 2018!