ESOC 2017 – Pre-Conference Highlights – Trial Alliance
ESO Trial Alliance Workshop
By: Dr Sarah Coveney, Research Fellow, Stroke Clinical Trials Network Ireland/ University College Dublin / Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, Dublin
Stroke research networks increase patient recruitment into clinical trials and other studies. Although many regional and national research networks exist throughout Europe, no structure exists to promote international investigator-led trials.
On 15th May 2017 at the European Stroke Organisation Conference in Prague, 120 stroke researchers from across Europe took part in a symposium to discuss creation of a European Stroke Organisation Trial Alliance (ESOTA). Organised by the ESO Clinical Trials Committee, the discussion was moderated by Profs Eivind Berge, Peter Kelly and Gary Ford. The Symposium focused on options for functions and structure to establish a European Stroke Trials Alliance to improve collaboration between stroke clinical researchers, leading to improved clinical trial efficiency in Europe.
Speakers included Prof Gary Ford, who discussed the importance of international collaboration, Prof Rustam Al-Shahi Salman who spoke on functions of an ESOTA, Prof Peter Kelly, who described the possible structure of the Alliance , Prof Urs Fischer, who described current stroke research networks in Europe, Prof Christian Stapf, who presented the results of a pre-symposium survey of ESO members. The attendees then partipated in interactive discussions to share their views on the role of an ESOTA.