ESO and SAFE announce the publication of European Stroke Action Plan (ESAP) in the European Stroke Journal
29.10.2018 Basel – European Stroke Organisation (ESO) and Stroke Action for Europe (SAFE) are proud to announce the publication of the European Stroke Action Plan (ESAP) in the European Stroke Journal (ESJ). The ESAP is available online first as of 29 October 2018, World Stroke Day. The ESAP is a truly collaborative document resulting from more than a year of dedicated efforts from ESO, SAFE and countless stakeholders. The ESAP addresses the entire chain of care from primary prevention through to live after stroke. The aim of the ESAP is to set a roadmap and define goals for the treatment of stroke in Europe through 2030. The ESAP and related information is available at
The plan was formally launched in the EU Parliament on 23 May 2018. Since its launch, the authors have been gathering feedback and working on revisions to publish a comprehensive document for wide spread access. By 2030, the ESAP aims to:
- Reduce the absolute number of strokes in Europe by 10%.
- Treat 90% of all patients with stroke in Europe in a stroke unit as the first level of care.
- Have national plans for stroke encompassing the entire chain of care.
- Fully implement national strategies for multi-sectorial public health interventions promoting and facilitating a healthy life-style, and reducing environmental (including air pollution), socio-economical and educational factors that increase the risk of stroke.
Free access to the complete ESAP is available on the Action Plan Website.
In order to support the achievement of goals set forth in the ESAP, ESO works closely with national representatives in the ESO-EAST project, established in 2015, supports the ANGELS programme and Registry of Stroke Care Quality (RES-Q). The ESO Guidelines Board is continuously working to refine and publish guidelines for stroke treatment.
In addition, ESO recognizes the efforts of its Organisational members who have put on various awareness campaigns for this year`s World Stroke Day. An index of WSD activities conducted by our Organisational members is available on the ESO blog. #ESAP
ESO Head Office