ESO and ESNCH Sign MoU
The European Stroke Organisation (ESO) together with the European Society of Neurosonology and Cerebral Hemodynamics (ESNCH) share the goal of advancing stroke prevention and treatment in Europe and globally. This week, the two societies signed a memorandum of understanding to work together in reaching their mutual goals.
Neurovascular ultrasound is a non-invasive, safe, bedside, and inexpensive method to visualise cerebral arteries and monitor blood flow. In the hands of stroke neurologists, it contributes significantly to ascertain stroke mechanism and treatment efficacy, and to promote stroke prevention. Neurovascular ultrasound is also a research and educational tool in addition to other neuroimaging methods.
The ESO, representing the umbrella organisation of stroke physicians in Europe, commits to help develop and promote Neurosonology by coordinating these activities with the ESNCH.
Reciprocally, the ESNCH will promote ESO activities at the ESNCH meetings and training courses, and it will plan its activities to fit within the ESO meetings schedule. Finally, both Societies together will form an international neurovascular ultrasound task force that will be responsible for education and research and the potential to develop joint guidelines on stroke and neurovascular ultrasound.
Moreover, both societies highly value the transfer of skills to young neurologists and will prioritize mentor-ship. A group of young neurologists interested in the application of neurovascular ultrasound in stroke management and research will be guided by experienced neurologists.
The ESO commends the International Liaison Committee on their efforts which resulted in this agreement. Committed and involved members are the reason the ESO continues to grow and stand strong as the voice of stroke in Europe. More information on ESO Committees including how to join can be found on the Committee section of our website.
The objective of ESNCH is advancement and promotion of knowledge and research regarding neurosonology and cerebral hemodynamics. The promotion of collaboration between National European Societies and with other international societies in the field of neurosonology and cerebral hemodynamics. The Society will also act as an advisory body for health policies and teaching standards in the field of neurosonology and cerebral hemodynamics in Europe.