ESO Department to Department Visit Programme at University Hospital of Perugia (Italy)

Kateryna Antonenko , MD, PhD (middle)

Do you want insight into a comprehensive stroke unit and bring home experiences that may help improve stroke care in your hospital? Or perhaps establish contact with people and departments who may provide further research and job opportunities?

The ESO department to department programme provides excellent opportunities for both! For more information visit our website:

ESO Department to Department Visiting Programme
Report by Kateryna Antonenko, MD, PhD, Department of Neurology, Bogomolets National Medical University, Kiev, Ukraine

In July I visited the Stroke Unit of the University Hospital of Perugia (Italy) under supervision of the wonderful doctor and scientist Valeria Caso.
Stroke Unit in Perugia it is the highly developed department, where the patients with acute stroke are treated accordingly to the current medical recommendations with the usage of all modern approaches. During my stay I had the opportunity to observe in the Hospital very good organized pathway of the patient with the acute stroke. I participated in morning ward rounds and discussions of the possible subtype of stroke, necessary diagnostic approaches, treatment options and secondary prophylaxis. It was my pleasure to observe the close cooperation between doctors of different specialties in the clinic, especially on the stage of the search of the most appropriate method of treatment. It was interestingly to compare Ukrainian and Italian Medical systems for the benefit of the patient.
This visit was very fruitful for me not only in clinical, but also in scientific aspects. I got acquainted with the research projects that are performed now in the Stroke Department, we discussed some future joint projects and works.
ESO Department-to-Department Programme gave me the opportunity to review the approaches of examining the patients with stroke, choosing the best treatment and secondary prevention. Wide implementation of instrumental diagnostic, laboratory findings, rehabilitation medicine will help to achieve better results in the better diagnosis of the lesion, functional self-service of the patients and, I hope, it will improve their quality of life.
I would like to thank Dr. Valeria Caso and her colleagues for cordial welcome, attention and concern. And I also want to thank Daniela Niederfeld for her help with organizational questions.

Kateryna Antonenko, MD, PhD