We are pleased to announce that the European Stroke Journal Young Reviewer Programme is now open for applications.
Papers published in clinical journals may have a profound influence on care of patients, and so must be reliable. Availability of good reviewers is critical for well-directed, rigorous but fair peer-review assessment of work submitted to a journal. A good reviewer merges hard and soft skills to evaluate originality, significance and reliability of an original work. This can be challenging at times, but guarantees the high standard of published work the European Stroke Journal builds on.
Training in peer-review approaches is often neglected in the core curriculum of stroke physicians. Therefore, the European Stroke Organisation aims to provide training and support in developing reviewing skills, for early career stroke researchers and clinicians.
The call is open to residents or fellows specialized in, or training to become a specialist in, stroke medicine or as a neurointerventionalist/neuroradiologist, with evidence of a record of clinical stroke research. Overall, the program has capacity for 10 candidates at any time, with preference given to those under the age of 35. If the application is successful, the candidate will receive advice and feedback during shared peer reviewing, and will take active part in the peer-review of manuscripts submitted to the ESJ. A certificate of training will be issued on successful completion of training, and the best candidates will be asked to become independent reviewers for ESJ.
The deadline for applications to the first round will be 15 December 2022, and the first review phase will start in early 2023, with the duration of training depending on numbers of suitable manuscripts available for mentored review. Applications can be submitted by filling the application form.
Please feel free to extend this invitation to apply to all young members of your team, the ESJ Young Reviewer Programme Team is looking forward to creating the next generation of Reviewers!
ESOC is Europe’s leading forum for advances in research and clinical care of patients with cerebrovascular diseases. ESOC 2023 will live up to its expectation, and present to you a packed, high quality scientific programme including major clinical trials, state-of-the-art seminars, educational workshops, scientific communications of the latest research, and debates about current controversies. ESOC 2023 preliminary programme is now available, and registration and abstract submission will open on 2 November 2022. Learn more here.