ESJ Announces New Vice Editor
We are proud to announce Professor C.J.M. Klijn as the new Vice Editor of the European Stroke Journal (ESJ). She will begin in her new role 1 January 2020.
As the Vice Editor, she will work closely with the Editor-in-Chief, share the work load of handling manuscripts, and will take over his responsibilities if applicable, e.g. in case of a conflict of interest. Together they will be responsible for assembling the editorial board, involving reviewers, and for maintaining the international profile of the Journal. The Editors will work in close cooperation with the publishing team at SAGE.
Professor C.J.M. Klijn currently serves as the Associate Editor of the ESJ. We look forward to welcoming her into her new role.
Professor C.J.M. (Karin) Klijn trained in Neurology at the University Medical Center Utrecht, the Netherlands, with Prof Jan van Gijn, and obtained her PhD in 2001 (Carotid artery occlusion, the haemodyanamic perspective; cum laude).
In 2003 she worked as stroke fellow in Perth, Australia, with Prof Graeme Hankey. After her return to Utrecht, she started studying intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) and its causes.
In June 2015 she was appointed professor and chair of Neurology at the Radboud University Medical Center, and as principal investigator of the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognintion and Behaviour, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
She is currently running the FETCH study (Finding the ETiology in spontaneous Cerebral Hemorrhage), a multicenter cohort study of patients with spontaneous ICH, using 3T and 7T MRI and pathology studies to better characterize small vessel disease in spontaneous ICH. She is also PI of the APACHE-AF trial (co-PI Bart van der Worp) comparing safety and efficacy of apixaban and no anticoagulation after ICH in patients who had an ICH while on anticoagulation because of atrial fibrillation (
Together with Ruben Dammers, neurosurgeon, she leads the DUTCH ICH surgery pilot study aiming to establish whether minimally-invasive endoscopy-guided surgery improves outcome after supratentorial ICH (, which is part the Collaboration for new treatments of acute stroke, CONTRAST).