Call for Bids ESO Summer School 2022
The ESO annual Stroke Summer School is a prestigious educational event for stroke trainees throughout Europe. It has an internationally renowned teaching faculty drawn from the ESO membership. It has been responsible in recent years for developing and encouraging important future leaders in clinical stroke care and research. We are seeking bids from individual institutions and countries from all across Europe who may be interested in hosting this flagship ESO event in 2022, bringing education to our trainees and prestige to your institution.
ESO Stroke Summer School is organised by a local organising committee, with logistical and financial support from the ESO Educational Committee and Executive, with additional support available for applications from lower income countries. More information is available in the “Guide: How to Organise a Stroke Summer School” document which is available from the ESO Head Office,
Please send expressions of interest to bid for the 2022 Summer School to: Alastair Webb, Chair of the Education Committee: with a brief explanation of
(1) why the proposed location would be suitable; and
(2) how your local organising committee would address the mission of the event, including raising the necessary sponsorship.”
Deadline to submit your application: 15 December 2019 For further information of previous Summer Schools, please also see the ESO website at