The ESO/ESMINT/ESNR Stroke Winter School took place in picturesque Bern, Switzerland, 31 January- 3 February 2023 and this year was special. 64 participants from 18 countries and 36 expert speakers joined together for the 10th jubilee of this high-yield interdisciplinary teaching course that has established itself, with the merits of its founding entrepreneurs and innovative “torchbearers”, as a one-of-a-kind event in acute stroke management.
The teaching programme reflected how paradigms have shifted. If 10 years ago endovascular treatment (EVT) was off-label and the question was centered on identifying those who would benefit, this year we discussed who should not be treated with EVT. The programme included a rich and comprehensive range of interactive sessions. The motto was novelty with a touch of everydayness. Topics included the global burden of stroke, pre, inter, and in-hospital care, large and medium-vessel occlusion treatments, revascularization strategies, transient ischaemic attacks, intracerebral haemorrhage, cerebral venous thrombosis, carotid webs and dissections, ocular and spinal ischaemia, dealing with complications and a glimpse into the future.
Afternoons were reserved for hands-on training with eight tutorials, including simulation with real-life stroke cases and endovascular training in an animal laboratory. Neuroradiologists and Neurologists had the opportunity to “walk in each other’s shoes” with small-group teaching on NIHSS, neuroangiography, and advanced imaging,
If you are not excited enough to apply for the 11th edition, I must add that evenings were filled with a lively social programme in beautiful Bernese venues where we had the opportunity to exchange experiences and knowledge with participants and faculty side-by-side, expanding our network and building new friendships!
Sadly, you can only participate once so I will not be joining you next year, from the 30th of January to the 2nd of February 2024. However, I am sure the 11th edition will be even better as Stroke Winter School always gets better with time. Just as a CT scan and Port Wine 🙂
ESOC is Europe’s leading forum for advances in research and clinical care of patients with cerebrovascular diseases. ESOC 2023 will live up to its expectation, and present to you a packed, high quality scientific programme including major clinical trials, state-of-the-art seminars, educational workshops, scientific communications of the latest research, and debates about current controversies. ESOC 2023 programme is now available, and registration are now open. Learn more here.