World Stroke Day – 29 October 2018
Every year the 29 October serves as a day to bring awareness to stroke around the world. For 2018, the World Stroke Organization has chosen to focus the theme on life after stroke and created the social media hashtag #UpAgainAfterStroke. We know many of our Organisational and Individual members are planning activities in honor of World Stroke Day 2018.
We are proud of the accomplishments of our members and would like to showcase your work. Please send us links and reports for your 2018 World Stroke Day activities. We will index them on the blog and spread awareness via social media.
Bookmark this page for up-to-date information on World Stroke Day Activities in Europe.
Visit the World Stroke Day homepage for more information including the 2018 Toolkit and global events.
Index of WSD Activities organised by ESO Organisational Members
SFNV, in conjunction with the 29 October World Stroke Day (WSD), has launched a General Public French National Press Campaign called: e (Stroke: we are all concerned).
In this occasion SFNV worked out 4 specific graphics: 1 General and 3 according to the typology of Patients: kids, women, senior. These graphics highlight for each kind of patient: risk factors, consequences, mortality and information about Stroke case.
Campagne presse 2018
Télécharger le dossier Infographies 2018 “AVC, nous sommes tous concernés” aux formats PDF, PDF HD, JPEG. Contient : Infographies Générale, Femme, Enfant et Senior.
Copyright SFNV 2018
Contacts Presse : Mme Laura Gardelli / M. Valery Lienard :
Pressekonferenz der Deutschen Schlaganfall-Gesellschaft (DSG) zum Weltschlaganfalltag am 29. Oktober 2018
Weltschlaganfalltag: Ist die gute Versorgung in Deutschland gefährdet? ++ Neues zur Sekundärprophylaxe und zu Schlaganfall-Vorboten
Termin: Donnerstag, den 25. Oktober 2018, 13:00 bis 14:00 Uhr
Ort: Tagungszentrum im Haus der Bundespressekonferenz, Raum 4
Anschrift: Schiffbauerdamm 40/Ecke Reinhardtstraße 55, 10117 Berlin
Vorläufige Themen und Referenten:
Von der regionalen Klinik bis zur spezialisierten Stroke Unit: Über die Schlaganfall-Versorgung in Deutschland
Professor Dr. med. Darius G. Nabavi
Vorsitzender der Stroke-Unit Kommission der DSG und Chefarzt der Klinik für Neurologie am Vivantes Klinikum Neukölln
Ist die Schlaganfallversorgung in Deutschland gefährdet? Auswirkungen des aktuellen Urteils des Bundessozialgerichts (BSG)
Professor Dr. med. Armin Grau
1.Vorsitzender der DSG, Direktor der Neurologischen Klinik mit Klinischer Neurophysiologie und Stroke Unit am Klinikum Ludwigshafen
Schlaganfall-Versorgung in der Fläche sichern
Dr. Markus Wagner
Stroke Unit-Beauftragter der Stiftung Deutsche Schlaganfall-Hilfe
Den zweiten Schlaganfall verhindern: Neue Ansätze in der Sekundärprophylaxe
Professor Dr. med. Heinrich Audebert
Ärztlicher Leiter der Klinik und Hochschulambulanz für Neurologie an der Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Campus Benjamin Franklin
Hirnaneurysmen: Wie vorbeugen? Wann handeln?
Professor Dr. med. Helmuth Steinmetz
- Vorsitzender der DSG, Direktor am Zentrum der Neurologie und Neurochirurgie am
Klinikum der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Moderation: Friederike Gehlenborg
Ihr Kontakt für Rückfragen:
Friederike Gehlenborg
Pressestelle Deutsche Schlaganfall-Gesellschaft (DSG)
Postfach 30 11 20
70451 Stuttgart
Tel. 0711 8931 -295, Fax: 0711 8931-167
Around 80 million people living in the world today have experienced a stroke and over 50m survivors live with some form of permanent disability as a result. While for many, life after stroke won’t be quite the same, with the right care and support quality of life is still possible. The Hellenic Stoke Organization is launching an important public awareness initiative, on the 29th of October, World Stroke Day.
With the slogan “Stroke can be prevented and treated” specialized medical staff and healthcare providers will hold a community activation event in Syntagma Square in Athens, so as to boost awareness about stroke, its prevention and treatment strategies. The Hellenic Stroke Organization reaches out to the public to disseminate that risk factor modification in combination with healthy lifestyle is the key point towards an effective primary prevention. We want to focus the world’s attention on the early signs of stroke and the necessity of a rapid response and access to treatment, highlighting that “time is brain!” Our campaign materials provide lots of simple messages that will force public awareness.
This awareness initiative is supported by well-known personalities and Greek artists, who are joining forces to increase awareness among the public and stress the importance of taking steps towards prevention. The famous actress Karmen Rouggeri will speak in lay language about the prevention of stroke and Mrs Victoria Alexandratou will share with the public her experience and feelings as care giver of her mother who suffered from stroke. Greek Journalists from National and TV Radio channels have already expressed their interest to interview the President of HSO, Dr Kostas Vemmos and cover the event.
Dissemination of our messages has already started in Greek sites and social media (twitter @HSO_2019 and facebook):
On behalf of the organizational committee,
Dr Eleni Korompoki, MD, PhD, FESO
Dr Anika Plomaritoglou, MD, PhD
HSO President | HSO Secretary General |
Konstantinos Vemmos | George Ntaios |
The Kyrgyzstan WSD activities listed above wil also be accompanied by a social media campaign and live tweets from the event.
“Corrida e Caminhada Vital Contra o AVC” (Run and Walk against Stroke), a initiative held by Hospital de Braga (Braga Hospital), Sociedade Portuguesa do Acidente Vascular Cerebral (Portuguese Stroke Society), Câmara Municipal de Braga (Town Hall of Braga), Núcleo de Estudantes de Medicina da Universidade do Porto (Medicine Students Core of Porto University), and Associação Nacional de USF’s (National Association of Family Health Units).
A 9km run and a 3km walk are part of the initiative that aims to improve stroke awareness, informing about its warning signs, as well as the importance of physical activity in stroke prevention, along with healthy lifestyles. There will also be opportunity for screening participants for vascular risk factors.
The event has grown from year to year, and in this fifth edition about 3000 participants are expected.
Facebook event page:
Event Poster
For 29 October World Stroke Day, the Turkish Society of Cerebrovascular Diseases organizes complimentary informational conferences for public in various cities across Turkey. These conferences will be managed by executive board members of the society. Also, visual posters will be posted on billboards in the major centers of cities. In addition, to increase awareness of stroke, a promotional film is being shot and will be displayed on national television channels.