Inequalities in Access to Stroke Care – ESO Event – European Parliament

Geography Matters – Inequalities in Access to Stroke Care and Innovation in Europe

Depending on where you live in the EU, you could be seven times less likely to survive a stroke. How can we end the stroke care lottery?

Speakers at this event hosted by MEP Aldo Patriciello at the European Parliament in Brussels on 10 October will be:

  • Prof. Valeria Caso, ESO President and stroke neurologist at the University of Perugia Stroke Unit
  • Prof. Dr. med. Urs Fischer, ESO Secretary-General and MD MSc Extraordinarius for Acute Neurology and Stroke Co-Director Clinical Trial Unit Bern, University of Bern
  • Monique Lindhout, SAFE board member and CEO of the Dutch stroke support organisation
  • Prof. Anthony Rudd, National Clinical Director for Stroke with NHS England and Professor of Stroke Medicine at King’s College London
  • Dr. Rodolfo Grella, Medical Director Stroke Unit of the Mediterranean Neurological Institute Neuromed