Important studies presented at ESOC 2023
By Märit Jensen & Vojtech Novotny
- Urs Fischer: The ELAN trial – Early versus later anticoagulation for stroke with atrial fibrillation | NEJM
- Rolf Ankerlund Blauenfeldt: The RESIST trial – Remote ischemic conditioning in patients with acute stroke: a multicentre, randomised, patient-assessor blinded, sham- controlled study (RESIST). Remote ischemic conditioning for acute stroke: the RESIST randomized clinical trial | JAMA
- Gregory W Albers: The TIMELESS trial – Efficacy and safety of tenecteplase in patients with late-window acute ischaemic stroke and evidence of salvageable tissue: Results from the phase III TIMELESS trial. Tenecteplase for Stroke at 4.5 to 24 Hours with Perfusion-Imaging Selection | NEJM
- Jeroen C de Jonge: The PRECIOUS trial – The PRECIOUS randomised trial: prevention of infections and fever to improve outcome after stroke. Prevention of infections and fever to improve outcome in older patients with acute stroke (PRECIOUS): a randomised, open, phase III, multifactorial, clinical trial with blinded outcome assessment | The Lancet Regional Health–Europe
- Hooman Kamel: The ARCADIA trial – Primary results of the AtRial Cardiopathy and Antithrombotic Drugs in Prevention After Cryptogenic Stroke (ARCADIA) randomised trial. Apixaban to prevent recurrence after cryptogenic stroke in patients with atrial cardiopathy: the ARCADIA randomized clinical trial | JAMA
- Thalia S Field: The SECRET trial – Study of rivaroxaban in CeREbral venous Thrombosis. Study of rivaroxaban for cerebral venous thrombosis: a randomized controlled feasibility trial comparing anticoagulation with rivaroxaban to standard-of-care in symptomatic cerebral venous thrombosis | Stroke
- Joanna M. Wardlaw: The LACI-2 trial – Isosorbide mononitrate and cilostazol treatment in patients with symptomatic cerebral small vessel disease: the lacunar intervention trial-2 (LACI-2) randomized clinical trial | JAMA Neurology
- Christopher J Schwarzbach: The SANO trial – The structured ambulatory post-stroke care program (SANO) – A cluster-randomised interventional trial to enhance outpatient aftercare for stroke patients in Germany. The structured ambulatory post-stroke care program for outpatient aftercare in patients with ischaemic stroke in Germany (SANO): an open-label, cluster-randomised controlled trial | Lancet Neurology
- Craig S Anderson: The INTERACT3 trial – The third Intensive Care Bundle with Blood Pressure Reduction in Acute Cerebral Haemorrhage Trial (INTERACT3): an international, stepped wedge cluster randomised controlled trial
- Martin Dichgans: TREAT-SVDs trial – Effects of amlodipine and other blood pressure lowering agents on microvascular function in small vessel diseases (TREAT-SVDs): Main trial results. Effect of blood pressure-lowering agents on microvascular function in people with small vessel diseases (TREAT-SVDs): a multicentre, open-label, randomised, crossover trial
- Silvia Schönenberger: The INDIVIDUATE trial – Effect of individualised versus standard blood pressure management during endovascular stroke treatment under procedural sedation (INDIVIDUATE) on clinical outcome. Effect of Individualized Versus Standardized Blood Pressure Management During Endovascular Stroke Treatment on Clinical Outcome: A Randomized Clinical Trial
- Padmavathy Narayana Sylaja: The RESTORE trial – Ayurvedic treatment in the rehabilitation of ischemic stroke patients in India: results of the randomized controlled RESTORE trial.