Implementation of RES-Q Project in Kyrgyzstan
Submitted by Inna Lutsenko
In November 2016, Kyrgyzstan joined the RES-Q project: two stroke departments of the city of Bishkek: City Clinical Hospital No.1 and Chui Regional Joint Hospital became the pioneers of the implementation of this registry. Heads of the angioneurological departments of the two hospitals Dr. Artykbaev Abdusalim and Dr. Apyshev Alybek supported the initiative ESO-EAST. At the medical departments, having no Internet access through WLAN, it still became possible to implement all the elements of the RES-Q by the great motivated doctors of the projects. The pioneers of implementation were Zhumakeeva Salamat, Nazhmudinova Dayana, Sultanova Aishoola. Such elements as NIHSS, the FeSS protocol were introduced and we developed our unique electronic reporting using Google Forms. The staff of the department began to master the working with the register using mobile Internet.
In March 2018 RES-Q was introduced in the angioneurological departments of Naryn Regional Joint Hospital and Osh Interregional Joint Clinical Hospital. At the moment, there are 455 patients enrolled in the RES-Q from Kyrgyzstan. In Kyrgyzstan the work of the RES-Q is carried out by the National Coordinator – Lutsenko Inna Leonidovna, local coordinators – the heads of four registered departments and the users of the RES-Q, whose roles are performed by residents and students of Kyrgyz State Medical Academy. The accumulated data on the project were statistically processed by the whole team, the research was made and preliminary results were presented by Nazhmudinova Dayana at the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy and at the Kazakh National Medical University. Dayana won the conference, she took the first and the second places, and the conference judges highly appreciated the novelty of this register and great potential. The RES-Q register was reviewed by professors from Kyrgyzstan as a powerful potential for tracing the quality of stroke treatment, stroke logistics, and a unique database for writing scientific articles and conducting epidemiological studies. In the future it is planned to expand the ESO-EAST project in Kyrgyzstan by implementing this register in other areas of Kyrgyzstan.
The RES-Q includes the FeSS protocol, which consists of monitoring three parameters: swallowing, the level of blood glucose and body temperature of a patient with a stroke in an acute stroke phase. In City Clinical Hospital No. 1 at the angioneurological department FeSS was introduced on May 27, 2018 and since then 74 protocols have been completed. The protocol is manually pasted into the patient’s medical records, and the protocol is being filled at the moment by doctors, residents and students. The head of the department, Dr. Artykbayev creates all conditions for the fruitful activity of the team.
New departments, such as the Osh Joint Hospital, Naryn Joint Hospital and the Chui Regional Hospital, began the implementation of the FeSS pro-school in parallel with Bishkek. The initiative is most actively supported by the head of the department of acute stroke, Dr. Egenberdieva Jyldyz, and the doctor Sultanova Meerim actively fills in all the parameters of FeSS.
In a country like Kyrgyzstan, with different levels and altitudes of living, it is not easy to visit clinic participants by bus or car. In this case, telemedicine comes to the rescue. Sultanova Aishoola conducted a series of conference call on staff training collaborating with Osh-city, and her colleague Aidaralieva Aigerim went on behalf of ESO-EAST on a business trip to Osh to train colleagues from the southern capital to update the registry.
Taking into the account the the advice of colleagues from the regions of Kyrgyzstan, we decided to translate the FeSS protocol into the Kyrgyz language. The translation was made by Sultanova Aishoola, Omurbekov Sultanbek, Asylbek Nuriza, Aidaralieva Aygerim, Orunbaeva Akmaral and Ismailova Aziza.
It’s necessary to underline, that the activity of the RES-Q project in Kyrgyzstan is highlighted by participants on the mass media pages such as Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, the site of Kyrgyz State Medical Academy, in local Kyrgyz newspapers. Due to such activity Kyrgyz team was noticed by the QASC project organizers from Australia, Prof.Sandy Middleton and Kyrgyz team was invited to collaborate in QASC. The next stage of FeSS implementation is planned in September 2018: nurses will be trained on the usage of this protocol, after this milestone will be possible to join QASC and to make an input in such a level of project.
Lutsenko Inna, Sultanova Aishoola, Nazhmudinova Dayana