10th Zadar Summer School of Neurosonology Report
Report by Stela Rutovic
Zadar Summer School of Neurosonology and Stroke Management was held for the 10th year in a row from 20th to 22nd of September 2018. More than 90 participants from 14 countries together with experts in the field of neurosonolgy and stroke took part in presentations and hands-on sessions.
A special part of this year’s School was the 1st Tutorial of the European Reference Centers in Neurosonology (ERNSono) on detection of microembolic signals in clinical practice. ERNSono is an initiative of the European Academy of Neurology (EAN) and the European Society of Neurosonology and Cerebral Hemodynamics (ESNCH). ERNSono is a clinical network aiming at further technical progress, offering a profound education and training program, testing the usefulness of ultrasound in new fields to implement it in clinical trials and to foster the application of sonography in daily practice.
Participants had 5 duplex systems and 6 TCD systems where they worked in small groups with the proband and real patients under the supervision of some of the highest ranked experts in the field. Stroke topics ranged from how to define the etiology of stroke using ultrasound to most advanced on invasive stroke treatment and prevention.
Professor Malojcic, in the name of the Organizing Committee, in Closing of the Meeting thanked the ESO for endorsing the Summer School for the second year now as this endorsement brought the attention of stroke community and public media.