Prominent Members Under 45 – Else Charlotte Sandset

This year, via the ESO newsletter, we are focusing the spotlight on prominent ESO members under 45. In January we introduced you to Georgios K. Tsivgoulis. For February, we present, Else Charlotte Sandset, Chair of the Young Stroke Physicians Committee and an active ESO member.

1. Would you introduce yourself and your history within ESO? What are the aims and the activities of Young Stroke Physicians Committee?
I’m Else Charlotte Sandset and work at the Department of Neurology at Oslo University Hospital in Norway. I was introduced to Urs Fischer at the ESC in Hamburg in 2011, who was the chair of the YSP committee at that time. I had several ideas on how to involve young colleagues and kept spamming him with my suggestions. Once there was an opening in the committee, in 2013, I was invited to become a member, and became the chair in 2015.

The main aim of the committee is to increase the involvement and visibility of young colleagues and researchers. We want to stimulate people to get involved in science and also organizational work. We need to create an environment where we both see and embrace young talent in order to keep the best of the next generation in the field. It is of special importance to be a strong voice for young women who often stop their career development after completing their PhD.

2. What is the contributions of the new generation of stroke neurologists to ESO?
ESO is a relatively newly established organization, and has included young colleagues in many influential processes since 2008. I think a strong young voice contributes to keeping the organization dynamic, especially with the influx of the millennial generation known for their optimism and drive.

3. ESO Blog: what you did and what you will do?
The YSPR committee is responsible for scientific blog posts, usually posted on Friday. We try to cover educational topics including research methodology and patient education. In addition, we have established a collaboration with the European Stroke Journal where we comment on published papers. Our plan is to further the collaboration, including author interviews and using the blog as a channel to promote young colleagues – the future opinion leaders!

4. How do you manage work, ESO and family?
ESO tasks come in addition to clinical and academic work. I find being part of ESO to be highly motivating and tend to prioritize ESO work. Collaborating with like-minded people from around the world gives a sense of community that I really enjoy. Combining family, ESO, clinical and academic work is challenging, especially after my son was born 2 years ago. Structuring and planning time is crucial, and also prioritizing what is most important or what I think is the most fun in order to get it done. And the most important… I have a very understanding and supportive husband!