Go Red Day in Kyrgyzstan
Go Red Day in Kyrgyzstan was organised by ESO-EAST-Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyz State Medical Academy after I.K.Akhunbaev, Neurological Society
First Friday of February each year is considered day Go Red Day in the United States. The initiative have been undertaken by two organizations: American Heart Association (AHA) and the American Stroke Association (ASA) since 2004. On this day, people in the US wear red clothes to attract attention to the problem of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and stroke.
In 2003, The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), the American Heart Association (AHA) and other organizations have created an event aimed at spreading knowledge of CVD and their prevention. NHLBI introduced the Red Dress as the symbol of awareness of the risks of cardiovascular disease and stroke in women. American Heart Association has adopted this symbol for highly efficient cooperation of these institutions. According to the bulletin of the Center for Disease Control (CDC), which is responsible for the global statistics and epidemiology, among the 10 causes of mortality in Kyrgyzstan, the first place is coronary heart disease (25%), followed by a stroke (15%) [1]. Kyrgyzstan is the sixth in mortality from CVD in Eurasia, following Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Moldova. In the Eurasian region, Kyrgyzstan ranks first in the standardized parameter of stroke mortality index of 88.5 cases per 100,000 population [2,3,4]. Overall statistics of stroke in Kyrgyzstan remains very high: the prevalence of stroke per 100,000 population in Kyrgyzstan in 2014 according to the WHO Atlas of cerebrovascular diseases was 139.1 per 100,000 population. The study of stroke and cerebrovascular disease is the main theme of the scientific activities of the Department of Neurology with the course of Medical Genetics Kyrgyz State Medical Academy.
Go Red day 2017 in Kyrgyzstan. For the week of 01.28.17 on 02.03.17, Students of Scientific Society of Neurological Department of Kyrgyz State Medical Academy after I.K. Akhunbaev held a series of events dedicated to the Go Red Day. “Life is Simple” strategy of American Heart Association includes the following areas: 1) control of blood pressure, 2) control of blood cholesterol and lipoproteins, 3) correction of blood sugar levels, 4) staying active, 5) proper meals, 6) loss of excess weight, 7) quitting smoking. In each of our activities we have tried to include the main directions “Life is Simple 7”. We conducted discussions about the proper adjustment of blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol, taught patients and everyone Mediterranean diet principles. In our own example, we motivated others to remain active and carry out an individual plan approved exercise.
On 28.01.17. Neurological society held the event “Go Red Day”at angioneurological department at City Clinical Hospital № 1 and for patients receiving inpatient treatment. The event included a two lectures: “Risk factors for stroke and coronary heart disease”, “A healthy diet for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases”, identification of risk factors for each patient; master class on healthy cooking. We are told in detail and demonstrate the preparation of a delicious,healthy salads. After cooking, salad, we treated them all the patients who were delighted and gained motivation to healthy eating. At the end, some patients and their relatives asked questions that circle members will gladly answer. Patients interested in the rate of use of salt, fats, asked questions about the useful and oil products, wondered what to replace carbohydrates. It is very important to conduct such activities and conversations with patients in order to set them up in the first to recover, and secondly to a healthy lifestyle and the further prevention. Many people stay with themselves because of their disease or depressed. But when all – patients, their families, physicians, and just people around us – come together and talk about the disease, share their stories and useful information, as well as struggling with a problem with the outcome of the disease is usually favorable. The most important thing is not to be alone at such a time.
29.01.17 we made the jogging race under the slogan: “Healthy Lifestyle is in your hands”. One of the priorities of “Life is Simple 7” is the motto: “Stay active”. American Heart Association conducted the action Less Salt, More Sweat, which means “Less salt, more sweat.” Important numbers that you need to remember are to reduce salt intake to 1,500 mg per day, and 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, 75 minutes of intense physical activity or a combination thereof. This can be achieved by performing a 30-minute set of exercises 5 times a week. On our side, we decided to combine business with pleasure: we met at the stadium and held a number of events: race, Zumba workout outdoors and the correct snacks picnic.
30.01.17 and 01.31.17 we created educational videos in English and Russian languages on prevention of CVD. We have devoted each of the video to separate risk factors: atrial fibrillation, atrial fibrillation, hypertension, obesity, diabetes. Videos are added to the open access Youtube channel, Facebook educational groups (KSMA Neurology Department with Medical Genetics Course), in Twitter. The purpose of the video is to help in teaching of medical students and spread the knowledge about the prevention of cardiovascular diseases in Kyrgyzstan and beyond it borders.
Finally, on February 4, 2017, which became the official day Go Red Day 2017, we conducted a thematic event within the walls of the American University of Central Asia (AUCA). The program of our performances was intense and the main priority was to encourage students and teachers to AUCA to healthy nutrition, healthy lifestyle, and getting rid of bad habits. In simple terms circle members of Neurological Society of Kyrgyz State Medical Academy and students of the faculty of foreign citizens from Kashmir and India made presentations on topics such as coronary heart disease, diabetes, hypertension. An important objective of the program was to teach the techniques of proper nutrition being overweight is increasing among the young people. We encouraged listeners to follow a Mediterranean diet, which includes mainly red and green vegetables (contain lycopene and vitamin E), olives, olive oil, coarse fiber, wholemeal bread, cereals, granola, flax seed. Permission is granted to use the minimum of red wine as a protective factor against atherosclerosis: no more than 2 glasses per week. At the end of the performances we gave those present vegetables and fruits, as a token of our support in the way of their personal development and health. After we made a station of the identification of risk factors for CVD, where everyone could measure blood pressure and consult about nutrition and health issues of interest to them.
In summary, I would like to emphasize that our event, as well as an international one, followed the main objectives of the prevention of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Wearing red clothes, we wanted to implement one or more of the following plans: 1) to educate the population about risk factors for stroke and cardiovascular disease, 2) to identify these factors in all comers, 3) to carry out primary and secondary prevention of the above diseases.
We wore red in memory of our relatives, stroke and heart disease. These training activities we assess as a priority in the scientific activity of the departments of medical university: it encourages students to motivate their fellow students, parents, relatives and friends live a healthy lifestyle, follow your heart and indicators of cardiovascular health. We believe that such activities have a positive impact on the status of the leader of medical education – our Kyrgyz State Medical Academy, in the social space and the world!
Kyrgyz State Medical Academy, Neurology Department, Faculty Lutsenko Inna, together with the team of the Student Scientific Society of Neurology of Kyrgyz State Medical Academy.
- CDC in Kyrgyzstan. https://www.cdc.gov/globalhealth/countries/kyrgyzstan/pdf/kyrgyzstan.pdf
- Kyrgyzstan in numbers. National Statistical Committee of Republic of Kyrgyzstan. Statistical reports of 2000-2011. Bishkek.
- National report on human development. Kyrgyzstan. UNDP. Bishkek. 1997-2011.
- The world health report, 2002. Reducing Risks, Promoting Healthy Life
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