Online Guideline Development Webinar
Enhancing the process of guideline preparation to widen the field of available ESO guidelines as well as to facilitate the process in order to come up with timely guidelines is among the current ESO goals. Support from many ESO members is necessary to reach this goal.
ESO has published or is preparing timely guidelines on stroke care, spanning from the acute to the rehabilitation phase. Guideline authors are ESO members themselves. In order to support them, ESO offers a Guideline Development Webinar – live, interactive and free-of-charge.
On September 8 and 15th, the first two-part ESO Guideline Development Webinar launched online. Prepared with great support from the ESO head office by Luzia Balmer and Sabrina Mutter, no technical difficulties occurred. The workshop, moderated by Philipp Lyrer, Gian Marco de Marchis and Jan Purrucker, together with the Chairs of the Guideline Board Simona Sacco and Guillaume Turc as well as special guests, including the ESO methodologist Avtar Lal, the total four hour webinar became an instant success.
The online format allowed us to engage participants from all over the world with very different levels of previous experience in guideline writing. Participants gained a deep insight into the ESO guideline process, the GRADE methodology, literature search as well as live views into software platforms which greatly support the process. About 20 participants from all over the world, including India and California, took part. The next webinar is already planned for December. Register early to participate.
In closing, here are some testimonials of the first webinar:
“Thank you to the whole team for this. It has been highly informative and motivating.“
“Thank you very much for a great webinar…“
“Useful, clear and informative“
“…I’ve been working on RevMan and GRADEPro but not MagicAPP, so I think this is new for me and is an interesting update“