ESO President November Note

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We look forward to seeing you all in Prague next May for ESOC 2017. Preparations have been made for what will be an exciting conference in a marvelous European city.  We would like to share an advanced version of the programme for ESOC 2017 so you can see what to expect. You will discover that the time dedicated to oral communications has been expanded to provide an even larger platform for scientific exchange including for early career researchers.  We will further offer more room to allied healthcare professionals our partners in stroke care and research.


Abstracts can be submitted until January 12, 2017, on the ESOC website. Work submitted for ESOC 2016 ended up being published in top biomedical and subject-specific journals including the New England Journal of Medicine, Lancet Neurology, Annals of Neurology, Stroke, European Stroke Journal, and International Journal of Stroke. This is only one of the many reasons to attend the ESO conference in 2017.
We expect abstract submission from all continents. Authors working and living in low-income and lower-middle-income countries,  as defined by the WHO, will find information on ESOC 2017 travel grants.

ESO Young Investigators Awards

Presenting authors/physicians, aged 35 years or under at the opening date of the conference, 16 May 2017, are eligible for the prestigious  ESO Young Investigators Awards.

We  very much look  forward  to seeing you in Prague for ESOC 2017 !

Best Wishes,

Valeria Caso, ESO President

Martin Dichgans, Conference Chair, ESOC 2017