Hot topics in acute stroke: from bench to bedside and back again


10:00 - 13:30

Event Type

The approach to reperfusion treatments in acute ischemic stroke continues to evolve and neuroimaging is becoming more and more important in the diagnostic work-up and clinical decisions. “Imaging is brain” is replacing “Time is brain” and is bringing a renewed interest in the state of the ischemic tissue and therefore in preclinical research. Preclinical research could help understanding the neuronal and vascular underpinnings of futile recanalization, identify potential treatment targets and lead to clinical translation. See the attached flyer for invited speakers, topics, and final programme.

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Hot topics in acute stroke: from bedside to bench and back again


October 19,  2021

10.00 am – 1.30 pm


hour time Topic speaker
10.00 10’ Welcome and Introduction Marzia Baldereschi

Cristina Sarti

Chairs M. Baldereschi and C. Sarti
10.15 30’ Opening Lecture:

Stroke: from therapeutic nihilism  to precision medicine

Domenico Inzitari
10.45 15’ Advanced Neuroimaging in stroke clinical practice Enrico Fainardi
11.00 15’ New frontiers in stroke neuroimaging James Kennedy
Chairs A.L. Allegra Mascaro and E.  Conti
11.15 15’ MRI in preclinical stroke research Rick Dijkhuizen
11.30 15’ Advanced optical imaging in preclinical stroke research Adam Bauer
11.45 5’ STROKELAB2BED project in a nutshell and preliminary results Emilia Conti e

Benedetta Piccardi

11.50 5’ NIMBLE project in a nutshell and preliminary results Alessandro Sodero
Chairs B.  Giusti,A.  Gori, B.Piccardi
12.00 15’ Blood Biomarkers in acute ischemic stroke Alejandro Bustamante
12.15 15’ Plasticity of the brain -from mesoscale to cellular levels- to restore sensorimotor and cognitive functions after stroke Ann-Sophie Wahl
12.30 30’  Lecture:

Immune biomarkers and neuroprotection

Josef Anrather
1.00 pm 20’ Epigenetic Pathways as Molecular and Druggable Targets in Stroke, and conclusive remarks Lucio Annunziato