Angels Initiative Train the Trainer Workshop


03/07/2022 - 05/07/2022    
All Day


Atrium Hotel Mainz
Flugplatzstraße 44, Mainz

Event Type

The purpose of the workshop, is the following:
– To agree on the strategy and the goals for the initiative in the represented hospitals and countries.
– Based on our experience in the hospitals we have identified specific topics that could be optimized. With this in mind we developed an interactive training package, as an example of how this could potentially be implemented in the country and hospitals. The workshops are hands-on and discussion based sessions, where we aim to promote practical solutions on how to optimize and standardize the stroke pathway (Hyperacute workshop), simplify and streamline the medical decision making process (Decision making workshop), simplify through a stepwise approach the CT imaging interpretation (CT imaging workshop). Our event also covers the importance of quality monitoring and data collection (Quality monitoring session), how to apply the NIH Stroke Scale (NIHSS workshop), how to include in-hospital dummy patient simulations on daily hospital training and the importance of the pre-hospital organization and engaging with the pre-hospital staff in order to achieve optimal DTT times (Pre-hospital session).


Targeted participants:
The Angels Initiative is currently active in 21 European countries, and has dedicated Angel consultants working with the hospitals, in 12 of these countries. For the remaining 9 countries the Train the Trainer workshops are organized, and each country is asked to nominate 3 representatives to attend the workshops. Targeted participants are mainly strokeologists and neurologists and to a lesser extent also stroke nurses.