World Stroke Day Activities 2017

Word Stroke Day Activities around Europe – What’s your reason to prevent stroke?

Take a trip through World Stroke Day happenings among our colleagues in Europe!

On October 29th we raised stroke awareness and celebrated the great efforts we all do on daily basis in the battle against stroke.

Next year join us in recognising World Stroke Day and let us know of your event!

“I see every day at the Stroke Unit of our hospital how stroke affects the life and well-being of patients. Stroke has a dramatic impact on the life of individual patients and their families. During the past years acute stroke treatment has improved and we sometimes see dramatic effects of treatment within the first hours. In addition, targeted rehabilitation helps many patients to get back on track. However, the most effective way of averting the disastrous consequences of stroke is preventing stroke. We know the risk factors, we know the treatments. As stroke physicians it is our task to convince patients to follow the recommendations for stroke prevention.” Professor Götz Thomalla – Hamburg, Germany

A. Arsovska_G. Thomalla

Anita Arsovska & Götz Thomalla


First Fit For Brain Run organized by the Austrian Stroke Society .

In Croatia, there were different activities ranging from press conferences, educational talks, check ups and newspaper articles in the week leading up to World Stroke Day. The events are summarized below and we thank our Croatian colleagues for great reports and efforts!

26th October 2017 – Press conference at University Hospital Centre Zagreb , Zagreb, Croatia – physicians (neurologists, interventional neuroradiologists, neurosurgeons, epidemiologists,  Ministry of health representatives, stroke survivors) – the statements were used on radio stations

28th October 2017 – Croatian Institute for Public Health – web page promotion of the World Stroke Day with available new flyer and poster about stroke

29th October 2017 – 24 sata newspaper articles

29th October 2017 – Time is brain – public health action in Koprivnica, Croatia

29th October 2017 – University Hospital Centre Rijeka – public health action

29th October 2017 – Public Health action – CEREBRO

Nursing Home Maksimir

16.30-17.30 How to prevent stroke ? (H. Budincevic)

Available on:

2nd November 2017

TV show about stroke in Pula

Similar in the Czech Republic where stroke made it to prime time in Czech Television –  including a multidisciplinary team of a neurologist, interventionalist and Emergency physician:

World Stroke Day in Kutaisi, Republic of Georgia.

Stroke Team led by Dr. Tamar Janelidze had several activities involving:

  1. Education of population
  2. Risk factors check up.
  3. Stroke partyWSD Georgia 2017-2WSD Georgia 2017-5WSD Georgia 2017-4





WSD Georgia 2017-1

WSD Georgia 2017-3




The Stroke Day was organized at one of the biggest shopping center in Budapest, Hungary on October 28, 2017. Free screening programs (carotid ultrasound, blood pressure, glucose, cholesterol) were offered. Short entertaining programs drew attention locally for the event. Lectures about healthy lifestyle, stroke prevention, acute stroke and rehabilitation were given by national stroke experts.

See the photos here

Reggio Emilia 25 November 2017

Several initiatives were performed in Italy on the occasion of the World Stroke Day in the last month and both scientific societies/stroke physicians and patients associations promoted and actively organized conferences and vascular risk factors screening programmes in all part of the country.

A.L.I.Ce (Associazione per la Lotta all’Ictus Cerebrale), the Italian association of stroke patients and their relatives and caregivers with the scientific contribution of vascular neurologists supported many of these initiatives all around the country. Moreover A.L.I.Ce is member of SAFE.

The last initiative was held on Sunday 26 November 2017 in Reggio Emilia in the main district hospital (Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova) with the collaboration of the public health institutions (AUSL-IRCCS) in the town. The stroke neurologists from the local Stroke Unit with the voluntary contribution of geriatricians, laboratory physicians, nurses, healthcare assistants, dietitians, evaluated about 150 people coming to the hospital in a rainy day in order to assess the vascular risk profile. The main aims of the initiatives were to increase the awareness of stroke risk factors and to promote the primary prevention, mainly soliciting the correction of harmful lifestyle.

To accomplish this aim a free assessment of stroke risk factors (blood pressure, blood sugar, total blood cholesterol, body mass index, etc) was performed in all participants and printed material on stroke facts and prevention were distributed with repetitive working group about food education and physical activity.

Moreover dedicated medical advice was offered, using the Stroke Riskometer app, endorsed by WSO and ESO, and identifying the areas where to modify habits and lifestyle.

Photos Italy WSD

Prof. Dr. Anita Arsovska reported. She herself was visiting Professor Götz Thomalla and got the statement beginning of this blog post taking us through World Stroke Day in Europe.

“During World Stroke Day 2017, Macedonian Neurology Society, Macedonian Society of Nurses, Macedonian Stroke Association and the Red Cross organized activities on several locations.”

The the photos from Macedonia here

At Oslo University Hospital we had a great evening with lectures for the public. The crowd and speakers were enthusiastic about stroke prevention and treatment. LHL – Hjerneslag, a Norwegian stroke patient organization played an important part of the event. We already look forward to next year’s happening.

WSD 2017 Norway

From Slovakia, Prof. Gdovinova, Chair of the Slovak Stroke Society, reported that World Stroke Day made the newspapers! Please check out the links: