A 3-day course to help clinical academics develop a research question for a stroke-related PhD or MD project.
What is the ESO Edinburgh Stroke Research Workshop?
The ESO Edinburgh Stroke Research Workshop (formerly known as the Edinburgh Stroke Winter School) aims to help new or aspiring clinical academics develop answerable research questions.
We will concentrate on the first three steps of developing research project: defining your research question; choosing the best design; and presentation to potential funders and collaborators.
The Workshop is supported by the European Stroke Organisation (ESO) and the UK Stroke Association.
Dates for the next Workshop
The 8th ESO Edinburgh Stroke Research Workshop will be held on 22nd-24th February 2021. application deadline 13 December 2020.
More information, including how to apply, can be found on the event website.
We’re going virtual! The 2021 course will be held entirely online.