Challenges in Stroke VIII” is an international symposium which will be held for the eight time in Belgrade, Serbia, covering various latest and emerging stroke topics but mainly focusing on burning issues and difficult decisions in stroke prevention and treatment. This year lectures will be given by the eminent foreign and national experts, highlightening three main topics: 1) Heart and Stroke – various aspects of their interactions, 2) Reperfusion therapy of stroke with lectures dedicated to some of the dillemas in using thrombolysis and thrombectomy in the stroke treatment, and 3) Carotid artery stroke which will cover current status of carotid medical and surgical treatment. Two workshops will be dedicated to the practical case solving with disscusion to cover cardioembolic stroke and reperfusion treatment. One session wil focus on Angels project. The aim of the symposium is to present up-to-date scientific evidence of stroke prevention and treatment, point to the contraversies and how to resolve them in the practice.
Targeted participants: Meeting is open to all with relevant interests in stroke prevention and treatment,hosting large audience of neurologists, neurologists in training, general medicine, vascular surgeions, interventional neuroloradiologists, internal and emergency medicine specialists and residents, medical students, nursing and all health professionals interested in stroke from Serbia and from balkan region.
Event website: https://www.astratravel.rs/chis2023.php