The ESOTA Network is growing. We are excited to welcome the Czech Stroke Research Network as our new member.

Welcome to our new member network!

The Stroke Czech Research Network (STROCZECH) is a national research infrastructure, which interconnects 9 comprehensive stroke centres and 15 primary stroke centres across the country. It was established in 2020 with the intention to conduct academic research project that require multicenter participation.

The STROCZECH network aims at supporting the investigators throughout the entire process of preparation, including the administrative, project and start-up phases, and realization of clinical projects.

During the first two years of its existence, the STROCZECH network contributed to 6 international clinical studies and came up with 13 national clinical studies, which were focused mainly on stroke primary and secondary prevention, diagnostics and acute stroke care. The most recent and the largest study is being conducted in 22 of 24 centres, and aims to identify and compare the predictive ability of biomarkers of atrial fibrillation in patients after stroke.

STROCZECH has Scientific Committee which evaluates proposals for new clinical studies and is providing input into design of clinical studies.

STROCZECH is part of the Czech Clinical Research Infrastructure Network (CZECRIN), which supports the implementation of academic clinical research in the Czech Republic. This infrastructure is part of the European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network (ECRIN). ECRIN is a public, non-profit organisation that links scientific partners and networks across Europe to facilitate multinational clinical research.

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What is ESOTA?

ESOTA is a Network of Networks and supports researchers in finding research partners for successfully conducting a trial.

The overall purpose of ESOTA is to promote research funding, collaboration, education, communication and advocacy in stroke research across Europe, thus supporting the conduct of randomised clinical trials leading to improved therapies for patients to prevent and treat acute stroke and the longer-term consequences of stroke.

ESOTA has become an international European ‘network of networks’ to facilitate stroke trials in Europe. Several trials are actively recruiting patients in these networks: