The aim of the summer school teaching course is to aid stroke physicians and neurointerventionists to work as a team in order to enhance the interdisciplinary management of stroke patients.
The school will be offering a series of high-quality teaching sessions and courses on acute stroke management to facilitate the participants in building a stroke treatment network in their respective regions. They will be equipped with the knowledge of the critical factors in the successful optimization of the in-hospital workflow and the selection of patients who are candidates for
revascularization, both endovascular therapy and intravenous thrombolysis.
Target group:
Young stroke physicians and neurointerventionists who have a major interest in cerebrovascular diseases are eligible to apply. Applicants must currently be in training or practice in an Asian teaching hospital that treats acute stroke patients. Since the main aim of the course is to enhance interdisciplinary stroke management, pairs of neurointerventionists and stroke physicians
from the same institution will be given preference. The expected benefit is to the individual and to his/her stroke unit and country.