Committee Corner: Simulation Education Committee

By Paola Santalucia, Chair of the Simulation Education Committee

The ESO Simulation Education Committee has been established in 2017 to implement the simulation education in stroke care within the ESO Community.

Simulation is the most powerful method for education and training in healthcare. The systematic utilization of simulation techniques in education programs and healthcare professionals continuous training is the key for a safer healthcare system.

More recently, compared to other disciplines, simulation has been introduced in stroke care in many stroke centres worldwide with significant results in terms of reduction of DTN times in hyper-acute stroke treatment, implementation of checklists, flowcharts and guidelines in clinical practice, interdisciplinary team training, all actions contributing in building a safer stroke care delivery.

The ESO Simulation Committee is composed by ESO members very active in simulation programs in their own regions and overall across Europe. The Committee is meant to be a reference point for the ESO Community for promotion of any education initiative including simulation. Indeed it is regularly involved in the organization of the interactive clinical sessions in the education initiatives ESO-related as Winter and Summer Schools and in the ESOC simulation.

The Committee promoted a survey on the state of the simulation education in the European Stroke Centres that will be very soon spread and distributed to all ESO members. It will be the opportunity to take a picture of the state of art of the use of simulation in the stroke  community in order to promote useful actions to implement it ideally at a standardized level.

The Simulation Committee’s mission is to make the simulation education available and accessible for every European stroke professional. Its goal is to promote the simulation initiatives and activities in stroke medicine through the definition of criteria and standards for the simulation practice in stroke education and training. The Committee would also facilitate the spreading and implementation of simulation programs in stroke care throughout the stroke centres.

The simulation community is growing up across Europe, ESO is the first Scientific Society that endorsed the simulation method establishing an ad hoc Committee, it is certainly a great opportunity for building a safer stroke care system in Europe.